Artificial Eyes
by Paul, Jenny and Emily Geelen

Pirate Picnic in the Park

We are very proud to sponsor the thriving support group ArteyesWA. On Sunday Jenny and I joined one hundred people for a Pirates Picnic in the Park. ArteyesWA operates to provide support and social opportunities for people with prosthetic eyes in Western Australia.

The trauma of losing an eye can lead people into a sense of being isolated. It is exciting to see how this group is changing that experience for people. Now there is access to information when it is needed. This information and support comes directly from people who have either lost an eye or supported a family member through that experience. We often hear how valuable people find this person to person connection.

Jenny and I joke that the world is divided into two types of people – the thinkers and the doers. I fall into the thinking and dreaming camp. I am always thinking up ideas and saying “wouldn’t it be great if…” The dream of a support group came up several times over the years. It would have probably stayed a dream for many more years to come had it not been for Jo Oosterhoff.

Jo came in one day with her son Joey. We didn’t know it at the time but Jo is a powerhouse doer. She took the idea of a support group and made ArteyesWA happen. Last year there were 85 people up at a picnic in Kings Park. This was followed by an Arteyes WA Christmas in July lunch for over fifty people. Sunday was the biggest event ever. It has been great to see people getting together, sharing stories and forging friendships. Arteyes is the WA branch of Cyclops Circle, an on-line support group.

Thanks for organising such a great day Jo. Good luck with your next project!

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