Artificial Eyes
by Paul, Jenny and Emily Geelen

Bridget’s introduction to Artificial Eye Services

Bridget on work experience with Paul and Jenny Geelen, OcularistsBridget wrote this for us as a blog post after she finished her work experience here. I think it is just wonderful. Paul

Wise Eyes
Glancing eyes…
Walking down Hay street towards “Artificial Eye Services”…
Taking in the new sights, new sounds, unfamiliar surroundings.

Peering eyes…
Through the front doorway and headed to the staircase…
Who are these people and how did they enter into this profession?

Focused eyes…
Ascending the stairwell to level two…
How do they approach their work and what are their clients like?

Squinting eyes…
Marching down the narrow hallway towards the humble entrance of Suite 12…
How do they make the eyes? What materials and techniques are used?

Cautious eyes…
Entering the waiting room, welcomed by the muffled buzz of a grinding and buffing machine…
So many questions…a little apprehension…anticipation and a thirst for knowledge…

Kind eyes…
These eyes greet me and introduce themselves and another pair of eyes. These two are the wise eyes. I am offered a coffee; one of many sipped over the next few days. I observe the polishing of an eye until it shines.

Cast eyes…
The cast of an eye socket is taken by the wise eyes… a most fascinating process. The most intriguing thing about this is the strong scent of mint as dental putty is used.

Beautiful eyes…
Visiting eyes coming and going all week…each individual with a different story to tell. Their experiences have gifted them with incredible strength and uniqueness… a privilege to be introduced to so many admirable characters.

Sad eyes…
Some visiting eyes come in, carrying their sadness carefully. They talk to the wise eyes, whose compassion is as important to their visitors as their artful abilities. The natural grieving process is encouraged here. Visiting eyes feel comfortable unwrapping and releasing themselves.

Purposeful eyes…
The wise eyes’ creations are brilliant. The wise eyes’ abilities stem from the passion they have for their work. Perfection is a necessity. Looking at their work I have to remind myself that these are artificial. Life created at the tip of a brush. Magic.

Uplifted eyes…
At the end of the week I realise that what I have been exposed to is very special. The skill, dedication and compassion of these wise eyes have changed the lives of hundreds, giving a fresh start and new opportunity. I am so thankful for the time I was able to spend in this remarkable place.

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